How to create a community

A step on the Pathway of Service. Last weekend, the first Morrigan Encampment took place on a small farm in Wales. It was the first major event put on by The Warrior’s Call – pagans united against fracking. Our aim was to do exactly that: to unite the pagans of South Wales and beyond [...]

How to burrow through the blocks

So you have found a cause that you are truly passionate about. You may have found a tribe of people who share your concern and your passion, online or in real life. You have even identified something you would love to do for your cause. But it is still hard for you to commit to [...]

Where your talents and the needs of the world meet

A step on the Pathway if Service. If you’ve been around the self-improvement community, you know that a lot is made of one’s life purpose, and how you need to follow your heart to find fulfilment, health and happiness. As a result, lots of people spend years tying themselves in knots trying to work out what [...]

Blessing the Waters of the World

“It’s amazing, you know,” Amanda said. “This water. It flows all the way from here to the Thames and into the sea. And it mixes with the ocean. And then it becomes clouds and it rains down back here.” “Yes!” I enthused. “And you drink it and pee it back out again. We’re part of [...]

Work the land that feeds you

Steps on the Pathway of Service. One of the most powerful things we can do to challenge the status quo of our fossil fuel addicted world is to grow some of our own food. And it’s good for our health as well. Most of us buy most of our food at the supermarket. Just imagine where your [...]

Past, present and future

Steps on the Pathway of Transformation Where did the breakfast you ate this morning come from? When you take that question back far enough, you always end up with the elements that make up our world – soil, air, sunshine, water – and with someone working with those elements to produce our food. We are utterly [...]

Let your sorrow flow into creativity

I don’t know what it is about this world that makes you angry, sad, and hopeless all at the same time. There are plenty of things that could. The degradation of our environment goes hand in hand with the degradation of justice for all people on this planet – human and otherwise. I know that [...]

For the cause

Steps on the Pathway of Service. As I write this, I’m waiting to hear the outcome of my friend’s court case in Brighton. This summer, he was arrested at Balcombe while protesting against fracking at the Cuadrilla drilling site. It’s got me constantly refreshing Facebook, where another friend has been updating us. My friend is passionate about [...]

Allowing yourself to feel

Steps on the Pathway of Sorrow. Fracking. Aside from it sounding like a variation on a dirty word, the facts of this technology for extracting fossil fuel send shivers down my spine. After drilling a hole in the ground, explosives are used to make cracks in the shale rock. Thousands of litres of water mixed with chemicals [...]

The power of love

Inspiration for the Waxing Seed Moon For the first time in the New Year, I managed to do one of my little solo rituals in the garden. And as soon as I started, I realised how long it had been and how much I missed it. From the moment I reached out to the beings of the [...]