And then there was a fully operational kitchen sink

Westacre Day minus 23

As Alex put it: there is a kitchen sink in the work surface, with a tap that makes hot and cold running water and a fully functioning set of waste pipes connected to the waste. Not bad for a day’s work.

Especially since the day’s work also involved moving more stuff around in the bungalow, so the plasterers have access to the main bedroom and the en suite.

Hilde has (hopefully) had the last difficult day at work, and can relax for the last two weeks. But first there is a wedding to go to in Belgium.

Eco-renovation for the good of all beings

Compost Full Moon We’re so lucky. Not everyone has both the opportunity and the means to make their dream come true. In just a few weeks’ time, I will be able to dedicate myself to it full time. In the first instance, the dream is to create a home for ourselves that is as energy efficient as [...]

Some serious progress made today

Westacre Day minus 24

The professional plasterers have started work. They have replaced the ceiling in the extension (lovingly called the East Wing) of the bungalow, and have plastered the new porch. They will keep going for a couple more days.

Alex, in the meantime, has fitted some of the kitchen cabinets, cut the worktop to go on top, and was still working at 9:30pm, trying to fit the sink.

Hilde was doing her London job, trying to find ways to attract more people to the City Lit Welsh courses.

Preparing for exciting things to come

Westacre Day minus 25

Hilde had quite a productive day. Before midday, she squirted expanding foam behind some plaster board to make good the walls next to the new patio doors in the bungalow. Then she caught a train back to Harrow, where she met the people who measured up for new windows. Then she filled another six boxes with stuff, mostly books.

Alex and Roger ended up moving building materials around the bungalow so that the plasterer can start work tomorrow and a delivery of lengths of skirting board can be accommodated.

Listen. The land is speaking its beauty and its need.

Listen. You will hear Nature winding down to its deepest stillness. The whisper of the last falling leaves will carry you down to rest with the Earth. You will be lifted by the song of a lone bird.

Listen. You will also feel the plight of the Ash and the Blue Tit. You will hear the sorrow of many souls weeping.

Listen. What joy do you carry that meets the need of the land?

You can’t rush a friendship

I wouldn’t expect a relationship with a human being to mature and deepen quickly. So why should I want to rush my relationship with the apple trees, the ash and the soil at Westacre? I will be spending my life here. There is enough time to make deep friendships with the spirits of this place. There is time to savour each encounter for what it is, right now, right here.