Actual painted walls appear in the bungalow

Westacre Day minus 13

So much got done today. Hilde stripped some last bits of wallpaper, added some more sound insulation to the partition between the bathroom and the kitchen, and painted the walls and ceiling in the new porch. Having plaster means we can start decorating at long last.

Alex’s greatest achievement is levelling the floor in the en suite. We’ve been talking about that all year, and finally it’s done. The floor levelling compound looks like something unspeakable and brown, but it does settle level.

Roger spent most of the day in the loft, making space for new loft insulation to go in week after next.

The only way around difficult feelings is right through the middle

I have always tended to push away difficult feelings. The consequences are many. The tension in my body is always with me. Yet I know the answer to this. Pushing away what is difficult shuts me down, body and soul. The more I do it, the less I am able to deeply feel even the joys of life. What I need to do is find the courage to face life, all of it, and journey deeply into every feeling.

Finding the sacred within

Waning Compost Moon I’ve just finished re-re-re-reading Ritual by Emma Restall Orr. It is one of my return-to spiritual books. And this time I noticed something I hadn’t noticed before. In the book, although she doesn’t say this in so many words, Bobcat speaks of us, individual human beings, as equal to any other aspect of nature: [...]

Call your scattered soul to the here and now

Do you ever feel like your life is spread around a hundred different things? Like your soul is divided into many little bits, scattered to the four winds?

When many demands are made on our energy and our attention, we need to bring ourselves back to our centre, to the sacred here and now.

Just sit still for a while. Perhaps light a candle to focus your attention. Then actually call the scattered parts of you back to yourself. The bit that is worrying about a family member. The bit that is still thinking about work. The bit that is fretting about something in the future. Call them to yourself. Visualise these bits of you joining you in the light of the candle flame.

Feel your power grow as you gather yourself together. Breathe with it for a while. When you are ready, you can blow out your candle and give your full soul attention to just one thing. The thing that is here and now.

Pottering around in Harrow

Westacre Day minus 17

Alex was at home in Harrow today, and did domestic things like having another go at fixing the toilet cistern (it didn’t work and he’s now officially given up), doing some washing and cooking Hilde some dinner when she came home from work.

Hilde was working at City Lit, making decisions about the programme in 2013-2014, long after she’ll have left.

Meanwhile, in the bungalow, the electrician has placed some new sockets and the plasterer has tidied up some walls and ceilings. It will look different when we get back there.