New windows on a cold winter’s day

Westacre Day minus 8

Three men have been working away today to give us a new bay window in the bedroom and a new front door.

Meanwhile, Alex and Hilde were hiding away in the back bedroom, which managed to stay nice and warm. Our friend Cilla took us out to lunch and Alex fixed the e-mail settings on her phone for her. Hilde started on episode 6 of the video blog – watch this space.

Seeds sleeping in the Earth

New Seed Moon Yesterday morning, as I walked to the station for my last day at work, nature was dressed in a white gown of hoar frost. Every twig, every fallen leaf was outlined in delicate silver. It was breathtakingly beautiful. At this time of year, the Earth sleeps. As the northern hemisphere tilts away from the [...]

A day of change – there’s no going back #renovation #DIY #lifechange

Westacre Day minus 9

Hilde had her last day of work at City Lit. After 18 years of working there, as a tutor and later as a co-ordinator, it feels like the end of an era. She got lovely going away presents and will remember the place and the people fondly.

Alex was in Harrow, supervising the three men who have started the process of giving us new windows. We always hoped that we would be able to preserve the original wooden windows. Just another thing that needs to change as we get the house ready to be let.

Weave yourself together #spiritual #inspiriation

When the stresses of life make you feel scattered, remember the many threads that make you who you are: the love of the Ancestors, the inspiration of Spirit, the support of Earth. The air that we all breathe together, the light that fires us up, the waters that give us healing.

Feel all these things flowing through you, and remember who you are: a child of the Universe, intimately woven into the tapestry of being.

Tiles and payrolls #renovation #DIY

Westacre Day minus 10

Alex has been doing more tiling. The bathroom is now tiled up to the mosaic decoration at hip hight. He says it’s looking very smart. He should arrive in Harrow any minute now to oversee tomorrow’s upheaval.

Hilde has been battling the payroll people in her place of work one last time.

A productive day at our various places of work #renovation #DIY

Westacre Day minus 11

Alex got to the bungalow before 9am this morning and finished tiling the en suite. He then tried his hand at plastering a wall – proper plastering, not the patching work Hilde was doing a few weeks ago. Roger was up in the loft again, filling sacks with old insulation, before going to his choir practice.

Hilde tried to get as much of the end of term paperwork done as she could. She doesn’t really want to leave it for other people to do. She also considered what needs to come home with her in the next couple of days.

You are a vessel of blessing for the world #spiritual #inspiration

Do you know that still part of yourself. The one that seems to be at peace, no matter what? Sometimes it is hard to find, but it is always there, waiting for you.

That still place is the deepest truth of you. It is the place where you touch the Divine Life of the Universe. The more you go to that place, the easier it is to find. And from there, you can bless the world with your presence.

Tiles and paint – it’s beginning to look like we meant it #renovation #DIY

Westacre Day minus 12

Alex and Hilde had a slow start this morning, lingering over breakfast. But they made up for it with the floor tiling in the en suite started and the ceiling in the extension (lovingly called the East Wing) painted an nicely even white.

Roger had an early trip to the dump and then left for Hartlebury Castle where he performed with his choir.