Making magic for the world

Full Wedding Moon Today, I did some magic in the garden. My intention was for all the deep connections that we make in this place, and the work we do for the good of our planet, to spread out into the world. It is my hope that Westacre will become a place of deep connection with the [...]

Weaving my soul into the land

Waxing Wedding Moon What a difference a couple of weeks make. There was still snow on the ground when I last wrote, and I was feeling frustrated that I couldn’t do much in the garden. Now, Spring is here at last, and Westacre is bursting into flower. We have primroses and cowslips, daffodils and lungwort. The first [...]

Diving deeply into the sea of sensation

Waning Leaf Moon For as long as I can remember, I have had this longing to live fully, to feel deeply. My soul thirsts for connection with something that is larger than myself, something Divine. Many years ago, I looked for that connection with the Christian God, exalted and detached from His creation. But the strongest and [...]

Being with the reality of now

Full Leaf Moon Things are not going as planned. The Westacre Project is running late. So is the Spring. And doing sunrise meditations isn’t working for me either. I had it all worked out in my head. We’d move from Harrow to Westacre at the Winter Solstice. We would start work on the Westacre project immediately. I [...]

Beginning again

Spring Equinox Have you sat and listened, really listened recently? Even though the air is still cold, and occasionally snow drifts down, the earth is filled with life and expectation. She is well nigh bursting with the urge to grow and unfurl and flower. She is waiting for the right time, for that little bit of [...]

How to welcome the joys of life

Waxing Root Moon After two months of struggling with my new meditation practice at sunrise and sunset, I’m finally getting the hang of it. My main point of difficulty is the sunrise meditation. I never wake up in the right state of mind to meditate. My thoughts race away with me in all directions. They don’t settle [...]

Imbolc blessings and frustrations

New Root Moon Imbolc is such a beautiful time of year. I’m cheering on the snow drops beginning to open their petals in the garden. I relish the clarity of the sunshine, on days when we are so blessed. The air is full of the promise of Spring. But at the same time, Winter is still firmly [...]

Restless mornings

Waning Maiden Moon I’m not having an easy time meditating these days. I just don’t seem to be able to concentrate, and whatever I’m doing in the bungalow seems to bleed into my meditation time. Now, it’s hardly surprising that my mind is a touch restless. Life is rather stressful at the moment. In no-man’s land somewhere [...]

The great wave of being

Waxing Maiden Moon The Westacre Project is a scary thing. It’s two house renovations, one more ambitious than the other. It’s a move across the country. It’s a complete life change. It’s a huge gardening task. And for me it’s also a new business idea that needs nurturing. When I start to think about all those [...]


Maiden New Moon As Galadriel says at the beginning of the Lord of the Rings movies: “The world is changed. I can feel it in the water, I can feel it in the Earth, I can smell it in the air.” I did my sunrise meditation among snow flakes today. Suddenly it has gone colder, after weeks [...]