Walkabout is not my thing

Here is the truth: sometimes I lose my spiritual connection. It usually happens when my routine is disrupted for some reason. Going away from home always does it. Going to stay with my mother in Belgium for a week always stops my spiritual practice dead. Being without my usual room, or my garden, it just [...]


An important part of my soul resides at Slieve na Calliagh in Ireland. I have only been there once, but I met my Goddess there and over the years it has become a place I visit regularly in meditations and journeys. Slieve na Cailliagh is a passage cairn that is aligned to the sunrise at the [...]

The magic of connection

“And suddenly the bull looked at me. With the innocence of all animals in his eyes, but also with a supplication. It was a complaint against the inexplicable injustice, an appeal against the unnecessary cruelty.” This photo and a version* of this quote have been doing the rounds of Facebook. The story touched me, and I [...]

It’s getting scary

A week or two ago, I was watching a TED talk about tar sands mines and the damage they do. It wasn’t easy viewing. And it depressed me. I know that, for the good of us all, and not least for the good of those ancient forests and wetlands and the people, human and otherwise, [...]


In my last post I wrote: “the essence of me is Spirit, is Goddess. Everything else is history, ancestral or personal.” That of course applies to all of us, to every living being. Our essence is Spirit. Which by no means trivialises history. All of us carry the history of our Ancestors in every cell of [...]

Love of all existences

There must be something in the air around Valentine’s Day. This last week or so I have been pondering love. Love for myself and love for all beings. And love for the particular beings that I share my world with. It all started with my preparations for the Big Adventure* at Westacre. As has happened so [...]


Winter has just started. Over the last week or so, it’s been properly cold for the first time this winter, and it is actually snowing outside. So of course it was today that our OBOD seedgroup celebrated the first festival of Spring. With the Winter so far having been very mild, there are actually quite a [...]

The gift of presence

Being open to the wonder of every moment without straining, without making it into a big thing by calling it a ’spiritual practice’ and making it something to strive for and do perfectly is a big challenge for me. Just letting go and being in the moment, open and relaxed, is not something that comes [...]

“All manner of thing shall be well”

These last couple of weeks, I’ve been practising effortless wonder. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m OK at the wonder part, but the effortlessness leaves a lot to be desired. Because of my questionable health, I have been paying more attention to my breath and the ways I am holding my breath and my muscles. [...]

Dreaming the World Renewed

As we begin to plan for the Big Adventure* in detail, this is a year of dreaming for us. As well as the aspects of insulation and heating systems, I also dream the life I wish to lead once we move in to our new house. I dream details of my home, my garden, my [...]