‘Us versus them’ is so last century

We are steeped in a culture that thinks in opposites: rich versus poor, Muslim versus Christian, liberal versus conservative, people versus the environment. It is so easy to put ourselves inside a group we identify with, and everybody else outside. Us versus them. Giving in to that established default, we perpetuate the illusion of conflict and insurmountable difference. We continue the language of blame and accusation. At this crucial time in our human history, we need to leave that past behind and remember that we are all in this together, that we are one world. We have more in common than separates us.

A strange way of looking at the world

“If we continue to operate in terms of Cartesian dualism of mind versus matter, we shall probably also continue to see the world in terms of God versus man; elite versus people; chosen race versus others; nation versus nation; and man versus environment. It is doubtful whether a species having both an advanced technology and this strange way of looking at its world can endure.” – Gregory Bateson, 1971

Westacre is a very small attempt to change the way people look at the world. We are one, and need to learn to see ourselves as part of the whole.