The part of you that loves deeply is your source of connection

I am being taught about love. The part of us that loves is the most vulnerable side of us. It opens us to connection. Love for the beauty of the world and all with whom we share it makes us strong and is our greatest protection from injury and hurt. And our deep love connects us to our fellow beings and inspires us to give generously. Love holds the magic true connection.

Our vulnerability is our potential for connection

vulnerable flowers in NovemberWe are so scared of being rejected, ignored and hurt. All of us build entangled webs of protection around our vulnerable hearts. Sometimes we draw that protection so tightly around us that the strain physically hurts. If we stay with that feeling, the tangles slowly unfurl and uncover our fragile hearts. Our vulnerability is our beauty, our potential for connection with the beauty of the Earth.

Frustration is part of the journey

Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. And the animal part of us doesn’t like it. It tenses and tightens and makes us uncomfortable. One reaction is to try harder to be spiritual and wise about it. In my experience that just makes things worse. Today, I try to just be with the frustration, feel it, breathe it. I try to accept it as part of this journey.

Do you dare to abandon the illusion of control?

In our arrogance, we think we have control over our lives and over what happens to us. But such control is superficial at best. Everything is always changing. Nothing is permanent. All things flow and shapeshift and slip between our fingers. Spirit longs for people who have noticed that control is an illusion. She longs for people who are willing to acknowledge that things don’t seem to work they way they think and who are ready to follow Her lead. Listen deeply. Let Her show you. Do you dare to take the leap?