Call your scattered soul to the here and now

Do you ever feel like your life is spread around a hundred different things? Like your soul is divided into many little bits, scattered to the four winds?

When many demands are made on our energy and our attention, we need to bring ourselves back to our centre, to the sacred here and now.

Just sit still for a while. Perhaps light a candle to focus your attention. Then actually call the scattered parts of you back to yourself. The bit that is worrying about a family member. The bit that is still thinking about work. The bit that is fretting about something in the future. Call them to yourself. Visualise these bits of you joining you in the light of the candle flame.

Feel your power grow as you gather yourself together. Breathe with it for a while. When you are ready, you can blow out your candle and give your full soul attention to just one thing. The thing that is here and now.

You can’t rush a friendship

I wouldn’t expect a relationship with a human being to mature and deepen quickly. So why should I want to rush my relationship with the apple trees, the ash and the soil at Westacre? I will be spending my life here. There is enough time to make deep friendships with the spirits of this place. There is time to savour each encounter for what it is, right now, right here.

This expresses perfectly what I want to do at Westacre, mostly through ritual

For nature, as we know, is at once without and within us. Art is the mirror at the interface. So too is ritual; so also myth. These, too, “bring out the grand lines of nature,” and in doing so, re-establish us in our own deep truth, which is one with that of all being.

– Joseph Campbell, The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, p. 132

Celebrate every thread you weave into your tapestry

When you’re working away at a large project, it can seem overwhelming. A tall mountain, a heavy burden, an endless task. But really, every tiny thing you do – even this, having a rest and reading this post – is part of the adventure. Everything you do weaves a thread of colour into the great tapestry. Some colours are dull, others vibrant. But each is exactly where it belongs. Celebrate the larger pattern you are weaving with every tiny thread.

A prayer for Israel and Palestine

There are times when the history between two communities is just too painful to bear, and they clash violently. Tonight, I won’t think about which side I’m on. I send a prayer of protection to all who find themselves in the line of fire. A prayer that unites all Druids and has the potential to unite all existences:

“Grant, O Spirit, thy protection;
and in protection, strength;
and in strength, understanding;
and in understanding, knowledge;
and in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;
and in the knowledge of justice, the love of it;
and in the love of it, the love of all existences;
and in the love of all existences
the love of Spirit, and all goodness.”