A day of ritual and repairs

Westacre Day minus 48

After hiring a ladder and doing some cleaning, Hilde went to say goodbye to the London Tamesis Druid group. She had a beautiful ceremony with beautiful people on a carpet of golden leaves. Alex made good the walls in the toilet and papered them with lining paper. Gerjan has started the job of repairing our windows, but he’s finding more rot than we’d hoped. It might be new window time in Harrow as well.

Lots of good work got done

Westacre Day minus 49

Gerjan has done wonders in the garden, digging out some brambles, cutting the hedge, and weeding the patio. Hilde filled 12 boxes with just books, and there are many more to go. She also waded through all the window quotes. Boy those things are expensive. Time to choose who we will give the money to. Alex did his very final day as a contractor. This time, Hilde won’t let him change his mind.

Preparing to let out the Harrow house

Our friend Gerjan Roza has arrived today to help us make the house look good enough for potential tenants. Starting tomorrow, he’ll be blitzing the garden and doing some painting. I’m so grateful for his help, because with all the work in Roger’s bungalow still going on, this is just too much for us to take on right now.

Plotting and planning our big project

We’re both at Harrow at the moment, working away at our old day jobs. Alex’s will finally finish on Friday, Hilde’s mid December. In the meantime, lots of quotes for windows are coming in, and we just got a really good one for external insulation. We’re getting ready to wrap Westacre up warm for winters to come.