A prayer for Israel and Palestine

There are times when the history between two communities is just too painful to bear, and they clash violently. Tonight, I won’t think about which side I’m on. I send a prayer of protection to all who find themselves in the line of fire. A prayer that unites all Druids and has the potential to unite all existences:

“Grant, O Spirit, thy protection;
and in protection, strength;
and in strength, understanding;
and in understanding, knowledge;
and in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;
and in the knowledge of justice, the love of it;
and in the love of it, the love of all existences;
and in the love of all existences
the love of Spirit, and all goodness.”

That was a lot more satisfying

Westacre Day minus 32

Alex took the whole wall down again and replaced the compression joints (remember how much he hates them) with soldered joints and then re-built the wall around them. He’s much happier now.

Roger finished the big partition and loaded his trailer with more stuff for the dump.

Hilde had a stressful day at work. No rest for the wicked, even in their last 10 days.

More pipes and more plaster

Westacre Day minus 33

Alex and Hilde concentrated on getting the kitchen ready to have its furniture installed. This involved finishing off some plumbing into the adjoining bathroom so the partition wall can be finished. Alex spent hours doing that today, and then took it all back out again because he wants to make absolutely sure there will be no leaks inside the partition. Ever the perfectionist.

Hilde has mixed three more buckets of plaster and filled holes in the kitchen wall where the electrician ran his wires. Roger has attached plaster board to the main partition, giving the final shape to his bedroom.

Artex – who ever thought that was a good idea?

Artex. Do you know the stuff I mean? It’s a skim of plaster that has been ‘textured’ and then painted. It looks horrible. It was popular in the 70s.

Roger’s bungalow has lots of it, on ceilings and on walls. Hilde has been attacking the stuff on the wall with a steamer. She started off with a product that claimed to be ‘artex remover’, which is entirely harmless to the user and the environment. Sounds good. Unfortunately, it is entirely harmless to the artex as well. Steaming and slow scraping seems to do it.

Meanwhile, Alex and Roger have been putting plaster boards in gaps in ceilings and partitions.

The part of you that loves deeply is your source of connection

I am being taught about love. The part of us that loves is the most vulnerable side of us. It opens us to connection. Love for the beauty of the world and all with whom we share it makes us strong and is our greatest protection from injury and hurt. And our deep love connects us to our fellow beings and inspires us to give generously. Love holds the magic true connection.

Floors, ceilings and central heating

Westacre Day minus 36

Hilde was quite impressed when she saw the progress at the bungalow since Sunday. The boiler is in and the central heating is working. Alex has put in a new floor in the kitchen. And Roger has made repairs to the ceiling mishap from last week.

In the meantime, contact has been made with a window company to put new windows in the Harrow house. And some more stuff has gone into boxes.

All good stuff.