Preserving your fruit harvest for Winter

Westacre’s fruit harvest has been incredible this year. There are so many apples we don’t know what to do with them, and the damsons were hanging like bunches of grapes, bending the branches to the ground.

We can’t possibly use all of that harvest. We just haven’t got the capabilities to process it all. We’ve already got a jar of damson jam for every week of the year, and more damsons waiting in the freezer. We were making jam with 10 kg of damsons at a time.

Damson jam all jarred up

Damson jam all jarred up

Giving away jars of jam to friends and family helps, of course. We have also made apple sauce, which is waiting in the freezer to accompany sausages, or to become apple pie. The next thing we will try is apple butter, which is lovely on toast.

Here are some recipes you may find useful:

Damson jam

Apple butter

Apple sauce. Our apple sauce is just boiled up chunks of apple. We can flavour it to taste when it comes out of the freezer. The recipe linked here is quite simple, too.

2 thoughts on “Preserving your fruit harvest for Winter

  1. If you’ve got apples or anything else spare, don’t forget the food banks. There are people who would really benefit and appreciate it.

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