
Available now!

You can bring the Westacre spirit into your community with a custom-made ritual for your celebration. This is a very personal way to mark significant points in your year or in your life. Hilde creates the ritual together with you, with attention for your preferences and respect for your beliefs and traditions. Mark your special day with a ritual that could only be yours.

Hilde offers to conduct rituals for births, marriages/handfastings, rites of passage into adulthood and maturity, funerals, and seasonal celebrations. She also welcomes requests for rituals to mark more personal gateways in life like a new house or job, or deeply transformative times like divorce, miscarriage, loss of health, or anything else that is important to you and you would like to mark in a special way. Very personal rituals can be a part of a Gateway Retreat at Westacre, after the Grand Opening.

To discuss your requirements and to receive a quote, please contact Hilde.


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