Preparing for exciting things to come

Westacre Day minus 25

Hilde had quite a productive day. Before midday, she squirted expanding foam behind some plaster board to make good the walls next to the new patio doors in the bungalow. Then she caught a train back to Harrow, where she met the people who measured up for new windows. Then she filled another six boxes with stuff, mostly books.

Alex and Roger ended up moving building materials around the bungalow so that the plasterer can start work tomorrow and a delivery of lengths of skirting board can be accommodated.

Revisiting the walls

Westacre Day minus 28

Roger painted the wall in his kitchen, and Alex finished the stud work in the bathroom. This is now ready to box in the pipe work. He also laid marine plywood in the kitchen for the lino to go on.

Hilde slept. She really needed a day of rest. And somewhere in the middle she agreed a price for windows in Harrow.

Bits and bobs – it all needs doing

Westacre Day minus 29

Alex did lots of bits and bobs today. He finished building the wall between the kitchen and the bathroom. He put a nice edging around the doors that hide the pipework in the en suite. He levelled a bulging floor. And he fit legs to some kitchen furniture. There is now furniture in the kitchen, even if it is upside down and not quite in the right place yet.

Hilde got a quote for windows in Harrow. It’s going to make a lot more mess than she’d hoped, but it does need doing. At least they can do it before Christmas.

A gentle day for Alex’s birthday

Westacre Day minus 31

Alex never makes a song and dance of his birthday, but this one was particularly low key. He took his dad to the eye hospital, where the diagnosis was very hopeful. Then they went shopping at B&Q and bought a router and sheets of formica to serve as a kitchen splash back. Some snoozing may have been involved as well.

Hilde, in London, called Alex for his birthday and then went to work to write a depressing report. Only 8 days to go.

That was a lot more satisfying

Westacre Day minus 32

Alex took the whole wall down again and replaced the compression joints (remember how much he hates them) with soldered joints and then re-built the wall around them. He’s much happier now.

Roger finished the big partition and loaded his trailer with more stuff for the dump.

Hilde had a stressful day at work. No rest for the wicked, even in their last 10 days.

More pipes and more plaster

Westacre Day minus 33

Alex and Hilde concentrated on getting the kitchen ready to have its furniture installed. This involved finishing off some plumbing into the adjoining bathroom so the partition wall can be finished. Alex spent hours doing that today, and then took it all back out again because he wants to make absolutely sure there will be no leaks inside the partition. Ever the perfectionist.

Hilde has mixed three more buckets of plaster and filled holes in the kitchen wall where the electrician ran his wires. Roger has attached plaster board to the main partition, giving the final shape to his bedroom.