Giving things a second life – can you help?

Slowly but surely, we are making our home at Westacre, and Roger is settling into the bungalow in the village.

As Roger has just moved from a large 4 bedroom house to a bungalow, he has had to downsize. He has taken quite a lot of his possessions with him, but quite a few things have been left behind at Westacre.

Many pieces of furniture, books, ornaments and gadgets are now sitting in the garage, hoping to find a good new home.We are keen to start our building project, but don’t have anywhere to put tools and supplies until the garage is empty.

Just a corner of the garage

We need to go through what we’ve got and categorise it. Some of it needs to be photographed, measured and put on websites to sell. Other things would do better at a car boot sale.

We could spend a lot of time doing this ourselves, but it would go a lot faster if we had some help.

So if you are at all willing and able, please come and give us a hand. We offer you full board and lodging, if you need it, and our friendship. Plus 50% of the money you make if you manage to sell anything.

If you can help us, please do get in touch. All our contact details are here.


2 thoughts on “Giving things a second life – can you help?

  1. Hi Hilde :) not sure what weekend but I’m interested. To be honest I have another interest in the shape of bouncing around forum and/or camp org ideas with you and Alex. Could make it over to you sometime before Beltaine hopefully. What weekends are free for you? I can’t do 20th/21st like Jonathan but could do the previous weekend 13th/14th?

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